Monday, November 10, 2008

April's first book review...

WOW! I have just had the privilege of reading, “Reflections of God’s holy land” by Eva Marie Everson and Miriam Feinberg Vamosh. I have dreamt of going to Israel all my life, from as young as I can remember. Israel, the land where my favorite bible passages and people came from, has sparked a deep interest inside of me. I remember always looking at the back of my bible at the maps of Israel the way it looked back when Jesus was there. It always fascinated me to learn about Israel. As I learned of different events, situations, different men and women of God, that lived and grew up there, I became even more intrigued by this beautiful land. I may never get to go there in this day and age, but I feel like I have had the privilege of getting as close to it as possible by reading “Reflections on God’s holy land”. I highly recommend this to anyone that loves history, God’s word or just loves to read. It’s a GREAT coffee table book! The pictures are breathtaking and capture exactly what the author says. Between the words written and the pictures presented in this book, its easy to imagine yourself there in Israel, exploring all the places that Jesus walked and healed, where Moses led and where women drew water from the well. I am thankful for the chance to read this amazing book. If I never get to go to Israel, I am a little more ok with it now that I have read this book because well, I feel like I have been there now!

For more information...follow this link...


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